Perhaps you've noticed that any time I have a chance to post a picture of Pepper, I do. Here he is with Harry and here's the related guest post that was just published -- My Fourteen Legged Tribe Enjoy! |
Yesterday I compiled my recipes into an e-book that is now available for purchase at Check it out Do you have any recipes you'd like me to include in my next iteration? Any burning questions about fruit and vegetables? I'd love to help you!
I didn't intend to publish on Amazon, it was a road I started down and there just never seemed to be any point in stopping. It's exciting! My next publishing endeavor in this arena will be "Eat Well, Avoid Toxins, Be Happy Through the Seasons." A fully book that is a compilation of my newsletter articles and blogs. Is there an article or recipe that has resonated for you over the last couple of years. If you don't remember, feel free to check them out on my Break Through Academy website. Or, is there a topic you have been meaning to ask me about or you would like me to write about? I love getting ideas. Thanks and stay warm! Wendy Wendy Kuhn Holistic Health Coach Break Through Academy www.b-t-academy.or I keep saying this doesn't happen here; my mind is having trouble wrapping itself around this. My little college town - people call it the Southern part of heaven, saw three tragic murders last night. It may have been a hate crime, it may have been over parking spaces. All I know is it makes no sense to me. It's a tragedy and I don't even know how to think about places in the world where this happens all of the time. I guess all we can hope is that in this dark moment there is some opportunity to shine light on important issues and that we, as a community, and as individuals take steps so that it doesn't happen again; we must honor the memory of these three young people in what we do going forward. In the meantime, I will send heart and love to the affected families and friends, the community, and the world. It does happen here, it can happen anywhere and I am unutterably sad. Wendy Kuhn
President Break Through Academy ![]() Today is Curmudgeon Day. My Dad used to claim to be a curmudgeon, but he is not, AT ALL! Turns out that a curmudgeon is an "irritable and complaining person." Do you ever feel like that is you? How does it feel to experience that? What do you do about it? There's a newish word, "Hangry" that describes the feeling of being angry because of hunger. Sometimes eating something or drinking something will help deal with curmudgeon like behaviors or feelings. Breathing is another incredibly powerful tool to combat both being an irritable and complaining person and dealing with one. For a talk I am giving next month, I am exploring different breathing techniques and the impact of each. Next time you feel curmudgeonly, try this technique from the ever wise Andrew Weill - Breathing to Reduce Anxiety Another approach is to learn HeartMath which is an incredibly powerful stress reduction technique. What is your favorite breathing activity? Do you want to learn more way to combat curmudgeon-ness? Or do you want to learn HeartMath? Contact me! Are you interested in what I have to say?
![]() Always excited to be published on Elephant Journal and to have my words resonate with others. See what you think about my Predictions for 20i5. Here's the picture I wanted them to use. Wendy Kuhn Holistic Health Coach ![]() It’s Apple Tree day today. Turns out, not surprisingly, apples are good for you. They help to regulate blood sugar, they are good for the heart, and they have anti-oxidant properties. They also may help fight asthma. Apparently, part of the the benefits of apples are found in the poloyphenols that appear primarily in the apple's skin. The apple uses polyphenols to protect again the sun's radiation - a natural sunscreen for apples. If you want to learn more about polyphenols, check out what the World's Healthiest Foods Organization has to say about apples. Turns out that one bad apple can actually ruin the whole bunch, so bruised apples should be separated from other apples. Apples should be stored in the refrigerator. They will do best and last longest in a crisper drawer on top of a dampened paper towel. On the other hand, if you want to ripen other fruit, put an apple in a paper bag with the other fruit and both will ripen more quickly. It's so much more fun and more rewarding to pick apples from a tree than at a grocery store. But, if there is not an apple tree handy, remember to choose apples that are not bruised and buy organic. Apples are at the top of the Environmental Working Group's Dirty Dozen list. By the way, Matt and I have launched a new non-profit -- Break Through Academy. This blog now lives on the Break Through Academy website ( Feel free to visit it and to check out the newly relaunched Break Through Consulting site with an increased focus on Healthy Organizations. More to come about both endeavors! Wendy Kuhn Holistic Health Coach.
AuthorWendy Kuhn is a holistic health coach committed to working with individuals and groups, regardless of their economic circumstances, to achieve their life goals through eating well, avoiding toxins and being happy. It is your life and these are your choices! Archives
June 2015
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