I keep saying this doesn't happen here; my mind is having trouble wrapping itself around this. My little college town - people call it the Southern part of heaven, saw three tragic murders last night. It may have been a hate crime, it may have been over parking spaces. All I know is it makes no sense to me. It's a tragedy and I don't even know how to think about places in the world where this happens all of the time. I guess all we can hope is that in this dark moment there is some opportunity to shine light on important issues and that we, as a community, and as individuals take steps so that it doesn't happen again; we must honor the memory of these three young people in what we do going forward. In the meantime, I will send heart and love to the affected families and friends, the community, and the world. It does happen here, it can happen anywhere and I am unutterably sad.
Wendy Kuhn
Break Through Academy
Break Through Academy